Posted on January 26, 2016 by Ryan Alford

There’s no better time in Vegas than January, attending the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). It’s commonly accepted that CES sets the tone for the New Year. And CES 2016 made quite an impression with as assortment of technologies, including virtual reality, augmented reality, the Internet of Things (IoT), the connected car, robotics, 3D printing, drones, […]
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Posted on January 19, 2016 by Ryan Alford

Are you a goal setter? And do you create goals in preparation for the New Year? I read an article that called goal-setting “a practice for losers”. I almost fell out of my chair. Reading on, the author made a case for creating positive systems and habits, in place of goal-setting. Okay, I get it. […]
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Posted on July 09, 2015 by Ryan Alford

“Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence, seeing how you react. If you’re in control, they’re in control.” – Tom Landry Coaching young kids at a particular sport sets everything in perspective. Your life becomes level set. Your mind becomes laser-focused. It’s humbling, yet exhilarating. I discovered that victory […]
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Posted on June 24, 2014 by Ryan Alford

Knowing HTML provides you with the ability to make changes to a web site on the fly and alter e-mail newsletter templates. Generally, that kind of work would have to be outsourced, which means the company would have to spend money and time on working with a unfamiliar developer. Granted, a professional developer is necessary in cases that require a more intense knowledge of HTML. But for the everyday web site and e-newsletter edits, some basic HTML skills can go a long way.
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Posted on June 03, 2014 by Ryan Alford

Why is net neutrality important and why is its existence in jeopardy?
Because net neutrality is the guiding principle that preserves a “free and open” Internet, every corner of the U.S. economy depends on the indiscriminate way service providers allow access to it. By altering any form of this principle, net neutrality ceases to exist…and so do your Internet privileges.
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Posted on March 24, 2014 by Ryan Alford

More than just music. More than just film. And more than just technology. SXSW is the crossroads of creativity, art, science and passion. Rather than having a bird’s-eye view from behind a monitor, Interprose took a truly interactive approach to the 2014 SXSW Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas—reporting from the events via social media and capturing the whole experience through the lens of a Polaroid High-def Professional Action Camera (and an iPhone).
I busily attended the trade show, sessions, panels, networking gatherings and, most importantly, nightly parties. But, among all the learning, collaboration and interaction, I discovered what I believe is SXSWi in its truest, most raw form: the SXSW 2014 Accelerator.
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Posted on February 11, 2014 by Ryan Alford

Continuing my blog on how to survive SXSW, here’s my list of “must haves” to pack for Austin. And, if you’re keen on parties, I’ve added some points to remember when planning your nightly party hopping activities.
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Posted on February 04, 2014 by Ryan Alford

Attending the South By Southwest (SXSW) Festival teaches you a thing or two about how to survive in the downtown Austin wilderness. For some, it can be a daunting event to navigate—especially if new to the SXSW shuffle. But it’s actually one of those experiences that require a full jump into the deep end. Just go for it.
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