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Vivian Kelly

Vivian Kelly

1998-2019: 21 Years Celebrating Customer Successes

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1998 was a game changer for technology. Apple introduced the first iMac, Google was founded, Microsoft released Windows 98, and e-commerce was taking off with companies establishing their internet presence.

It was also the year I started Interprose (21 years ago on January 23rd), during the dot-com era. Our clients back then were technology companies launching new innovations that helped create the Internet and e-commerce sites we now use every day.

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Protecting Your Brand Investment

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While it’s important to promote your company to establish and grow your brand, brand differentiation and loyalty will only be achieved when everyone in your organization understands their role as a carrier of the brand, believes in the brand, and most importantly, delivers exceptional customer service to reinforce the value of the brand.

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Blurred Lines

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“Blurred Lines,” the controversial smash hit that topped U.S. Billboard magazine’s 2013 Songs of the Summer list and achieved No. 1 in more than 100 countries, continues to make headlines, but for the wrong reasons. It’s a case of “be careful what you wish for” as not all publicity is good PR. Sending the wrong message can have devastating consequences for your brand and hard-earned reputation.

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