Innovative Retail Tech – Championing Video-Based Intelligence In Your Organization
How security and loss prevention professionals can guide the company toward increased profitability through more wide-scale video adoptionSecurity and loss prevention (LP) professionals have long understood the value of video. For security staff, video surveillance can deliver a real-time view into what’s happening at a location and capture a visual record of what’s transpired.

MDT Magazine – Improving Software Security: Implementation Errors, Not Design Errors, Tend to Be the Culprit
Medical devices are only as secure as the software they run on and it has been well-documented that software security remains an issue in this critical domain. The U.S. FDA and Department of Homeland Security are actively addressing vulnerabilities and raising awareness, but we remain in a reactive, “discover-patch-release” mode. In fact, the current, booming market for cybersecurity professionals in general appears to be based on a reactive stance. There’s a better way – the time-tested ounce of prevention.

SmartGridNews.com – Just the FACTS: IEEE recognizes excellence in transmission
At its annual Power & Energy Society event in Denver this week, IEEE announced the recipients of its Society-Level Awards, which recognize and credit important technical, educational and service contributions by the global power and energy community.Richard Piwko, senior technical director for GE's Energy Consulting business, received the Nari Hingorani Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) Award.

EnterpriseTech – Is the IoT Really ‘Internet of Sensors’?
A contrarian view of the conceptual framework known as the Internet to Things asserts that it should really be called the Internet of Sensors. “Companies that embrace the IoS and not the IoT will be the winners in the connected world,” claims the U.K.-based technology and development organization called The Technology Partnership.

T&D World Magazine – The Ongoing Refinement of the National Electrical Safety Code
Refinement of the National Electrical Safety Code® never stops.Among the key changes that were introduced in the current, 2012 edition of the NESC were clarifications where the NESC applies in relation to the NEC, revised requirements around equipment grounding, clarification of certain fencing requirements in substations, illumination requirements for generating stations and substations, new arc flash protection requirements for worker exposures below 1000 volts and changes to minimum approach distance (MAD) tables. Now, work is well on its way toward the next, 2017 edition of the code. Proposed changes to adapt for new challenges and technology innovations are currently under consideration.

NetworkWorld Video – Ethernet’s Roadmap: David Chalupsky
Network World chats with David Chalupsky from the Ethernet Alliance about its long history and new initiatives for the wired networking technology.