T&D World Magazine – The Ongoing Refinement of the National Electrical Safety Code

substation5Refinement of the National Electrical Safety Code® never stops.

Among the key changes that were introduced in the current, 2012 edition of the NESC were clarifications where the NESC applies in relation to the NEC, revised requirements around equipment grounding, clarification of certain fencing requirements in substations, illumination requirements for generating stations and substations, new arc flash protection requirements for worker exposures below 1000 volts and changes to minimum approach distance (MAD) tables. Now, work is well on its way toward the next, 2017 edition of the code. Proposed changes to adapt for new challenges and technology innovations are currently under consideration.

The official “Preprint” of the change proposals for the 2017 edition of the NESC was released on Sept 1, 2014, followed by an 8-month open commentary period, which ended on May 1, 2015. The review is now closed, and we have moved on to the next step in the process.

How does the NESC steadily evolve to improve protection for utility linemen, field superintendents and the public?

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