Posts Tagged ‘Mobile’

The World Cup and its Mobile, Global Stadium

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Advancements in areas such as telecommunications, smart cities, the Internet of Things, electric vehicles, and cloud computing are all pushing us towards a more sustainable, healthy, energy-efficient, and smarter lifestyle. And thanks to all the inventors, entrepreneurs, thinkers, risk-takers, venture capitalists, techies, marketers, sales folks, social media, fans, and individual consumers… we are one, big, connected planet celebrating our global connection and competitive spirit of the World Cup together – no matter how physically far apart we may be.

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WeChat, Where Mobile Marketing Goes Global

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In Part I of this series, we introduced WeChat (Chinese: 微信; pinyin: Wēixìn; literally “micro message”), the challenger all-in-one mobile communicator from Tencent. WeChat seems to be able to do everything a smartphone user can possibly want, such as free video chat, text messaging, hold-to-talk voice messaging, photo/video sharing, location sharing and contact information exchange.

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